Perfection !!!
Everyday I wake up in the morning with a motive to be Perfect!!!!
The Perfect mother, the perfect homemaker and most importantly the perfect human being.
I have a perfect time-table carved out in my mind, if only it could percolate into my real life.
Something or the other falls short!!
Some days, its Tavu who just isn't ready to listen to me or co-operate and other days my own inconsistencies as a person.
Since the day we have come here there are so many things I wish to accomplish and achieve.
I want to get back to studies, its been a long gap since 2012 when I last went to a corporate setup.
Since then it's been home and just home, buying a house, fighting with the builders for its possession, convincing them into getting the required amenities(we were the First family to arrive there), to finally setting up the house into a home.
But all this was back in India, here in this new country, its a new start almost on the same lines but with a different journey all together.
Everyday, I want to get up at 5 and be ready for the day but old habits die hard and I am half-tired, half-asleep by the time I am actually awake from my deep slumber.
Finally I realized, it won't help setting up a waking up target, lets work backwards and set a sleeping target, hence a, by this time latest dinner target.
So now, I ensure the family has dinner on time and sleep max by 10, only then am I able to attain my waking up aspiration.
Still trying to be perfect but setting up a time-table certainly helps, especially if you write it in black and white.
At least, this initial step helped me to be back on track.......
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